Mission Statement


Mission Statement

The Police Department shall preserve the peace, protect life and property, detect arrest and prosecute offenders of the laws of New Jersey and the ordinances of the Borough of Hillsdale: direct and control traffic; provide attendance and protection during emergencies; provide attendance at court; cooperate with all law enforcement agencies and provide training for the efficiency of its members and officers as well as perform and fulfill all other responsibilities normally associated with the operation of a Police Department.


Vision Statement

In Partnership with the Community, we pledge to:


To be known by the residents of the Borough. To provide ongoing programs to involve interested residents in supporting the safety and security of the Borough. To maintain a very visible presence in the Borough, one which promotes a vigilant and professional image of the Department in the eyes of the public. To provide a routine display of friendly and approachable mannerisms to encourage high levels of confidence and trust between residents, the department, and sworn officers. To provide ongoing and effective communications with Borough residents, the Borough Council, and Public Safety Committee to properly alert and inform all parties on safety and security matters.



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