Cops and Bobbers
Cops and Bobbers is a community policing event that is co-sponsored by the Hillsdale Police Department and the Hillsdale PBA. The purpose of this event is to use fishing as a tool to connect police officers and the youth of their communities. Officers work side by side with kids, helping them bait, cast, hook and release fish all while bonding and learning that they are not so different from each other after all.
Fishing teaches patience, ingenuity, preparation, and humility. It is an activity almost anyone can do and afford. In the Cops & Bobbers program, cops and kids work and fish together which makes every day a good day.
NJ Department of Environmental Protection’s Game Wardens will provide demonstrations and education to any and all participants. Also, NJDEP will be providing they're Hooked on Fishing, Not on Drugs trailer which contains fishing equipment to loan to those that have never fished before or are in need of equipment.